Saturday, 3 November 2012

Rotation & Revolution

CAUTION: This post is not a Physics lecture nor I wanted to support a religion. This post is a complex imagination which even I am not clear of and might require some effort to understand. In fact, the reader is required to think in the same way I thought while writing the post :) . However I tried to keep this simple and it can eventually be reviewed as a junk post too which I don’t mind. So if you have no plans to invest your brain and time now, please come back later to read this post.
Recently after observing few things and listening to few people, a weird thought stuck my mind. Although I will explain the reasons few sentences later in this post, I want to mention my thought straight away. “Any motion by any one or any thing real or imaginary or scientific or philosophical will always eventually be rotation or revolution.” I think this is a pretty generalized statement which I want to explain in depth. Simple definition of rotation is circular (or near circular) motion of a body (or object) about a center. People sometimes use the words rotation and revolution synonymously but there is a slight difference between the two. If the proposed center of object’s circular motion is with in the object, it is considered to be rotation. If the proposed center of object’s circular motion is outside the object, it is revolution. So the common point to catch here is circular motion. “Circular” – Start at a point and reach the same point after travelling in some “time” and start again.
Consider an atom, the smallest unit of matter. It has a nucleus which contains protons mainly and the nucleus has electrons revolving around them. Electrons also rotate on their own axis too. Such atoms which club together to form larger units of matter that is living or non living. One of such largest non living matter, for example, is our own planet Earth, along with other planets does both rotation and revolution. On a side note, I considered Earth to be non living but many cultures in this world treat Earth has life and is also treated as Mother and Goddess. Although I do not have any proofs to show, I imagine this ‘Milky way’ galaxy is also revolving around something. And I trust my imagination that says this universe, for which no boundaries have been found yet, is also rotating and revolving something. Fact is that imaginations have no boundaries !!
So basically coming back to Earth, a human being who is considered to be the wisest of all the living matter, is also rotating and revolving. To make myself clear here, in reality although he is walking with his legs in various directions, he is living for himself. In other words, his mind is rotating thinking about himself, about how he has to live, about how he has to eat etc.. Also his mind revolves around all worldly things, all desires, revolves around his family. Especially different in people fields have different paths (orbits) of revolutions. This applies to all the animals and other living beings too. And as per Hindu philosophy, (I don’t know about other religious philosophies) there is a concept of rebirth. Life after life which is a cycle, circular motion. This circle of life and death can be only broken if you get the blessings of the Brahman. So this circular motion is inevitable whether the object has life or not. Even if you don’t believe my imagination, I think it is acceptable to say that as everyone and everything around us are on Earth which is rotating and revolving, effectively an object on the earth is also doing the rotation and revolution.
Sometimes, my imaginations go very weird that I feel this solar system is an atom of another matter where the Sun is the nucleus and the planets are electrons. And such atoms which form the matter is the universe that we know of. In other way, let us take the water which comprises of hydrogen and oxygen atoms. Each of these atoms is a planetary system where the nucleus of oxygen atom is a star and electrons of the oxygen atom are the planets. I think this relationship of one being in another, one being the subset of other is a continuous circular hierarchy too.
Coming out of this circular imaginations, I just wanted to express my imaginations in this post. There might nothing that the reader get out of this post. I would like to see if someone felt like this anytime. Have a nice day!!


Changing Thoughts said...

Hi hareesh,
I was reading upanishads, and i found something really interesting, many places i found it was explaining how the universe formed, and in search i found god is either nothing or just everything and break from life and death is only to understand you are just going to enter a new body and that the soul is not going to go anywhere at all. Still trying to understand much better.

Hareesh said...

yeah...that is true..So far I understood, The meaning of the word Vishnu in Sanskrit is one who is spread all over..Also as per my understanding of Hindu philosophy...the cycle of life and death can be broken and you can unite with the God (attaining Siddhi,Moksha)is possible by praying him and following what is called Dharma..

You should publish a book with the title "In search of God... "

Unknown said... break the cycle..we should attain prabrahma thathvam..the energy or soul which is helping your body to be alive is parabrahma. the same energy or para brahma is in another body person in front of u is para brahma and yourself too. so finally, each and every living being is living with same power parabrahma. if you attain this stage of are moksha or siddhi..