Monday, 28 June 2010

Tit - Bits

I’d like to start a new post with the some knowledge bits that I come across in my life. These might be useful sometimes in your life as well. I will update this post regularly whenever I find such information.

Let me know in case if you find any discrepancy in the content that I post below. Leave your comments and suggestions.

An Extract from 'My Experiments with Truth'

“I saw that writers on vegetarianism had examined the question very minutely, attacking it in its religious, scientific, practical and medical aspects. 

Ethically they had arrived at a conclusion that man's supremacy over the lower animals meant not that the former should prey upon the latter but that the higher should protect the lower and that there should be mutual aid between the two as between man and man

Scientifically some had concluded that man's physical structure showed that he was not meant to be a cooking but a frugivorous animal, that he could take only his mother's milk and as soon as he had teeth, should begin to take solid foods. Medically they rejected all the spices and condiments.

Practically and economically, they had demonstrated that a vegetarian diet was the least expensive.”

Health tip - For Gents

If you find severe pain (and swelling most of the times) in your lower abdomen/testicular/pubic region, you are even not able to stand properly (& can have back pain), be warned seriously as you have 6 hrs to avoid the worst to happen. It might not be the case every time but six hours from start of pain and if you neglect, you have great chances to lose your genital system. Medical Consultation immediately required. This condition would even happen because of a mosquito bite.

Health tip – For Everyone

If you find severe. There is a principle in Naturopathy and I guess that will hold true for every other medical system. The more number of times you breath per minute, the less number of years that you live. For example, take the example of a dog. It inhales around 50 times per minute and its life time is around 10 years. A tortoise takes breath hardly coupe of times a minute, and its life time ranges > 500 years. As humans, we breath normally around 17 times per minute and our life time is 100 years (theoretically). In Indian mythology, they say saints and sadhus have live for hundreds of years. This was only possible by controlling the amount and the number of times they used to breathe. This is a concept behind pranayama. So Pranayama heals and do practice it regularly.

Health tip – For Everyone

Here is some information about a general problem that bothers most of the people. – Gastric trouble. Complete details about this problem is explained with great narration below. Unfortunately I found this article in Telugu but let me know if you finds it difficult to understand. I will try to translate the same. Thanks to EENADU Telugu news daily.


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